Using Biblioshiny and OpenRefine
1. Biblioshiny
Biblioshiny is a web-based interface for the Bibliometrix package in R, designed for bibliometric analysis.
Steps to Use Biblioshiny:
- Preparation:
- Ensure R and RStudio are installed on your computer.
- Install the
package by running the following command in R:
- Load the package:
- Run Biblioshiny:
- Launch Biblioshiny with this command:
- A browser will open with the Biblioshiny interface.
- Import Data:
- Prepare your bibliographic data file (.bib, .ris, or .csv) from databases like Scopus, Web of Science, or PubMed.
- Import the file using the "Data" menu in Biblioshiny.
- Analyze Data:
- Select analyses such as:
- Keyword Analysis
- Author Collaboration Network
- Journal or Institution Analysis
- Adjust parameters as needed.
- Select analyses such as:
- Visualize Data:
- Create visualizations such as:
- Keyword co-occurrence maps
- Publication trend graphs
- Author collaboration diagrams
- Create visualizations such as:
- Export Results:
- Export results as images (PNG) or tables (CSV).
2. OpenRefine
OpenRefine is an open-source tool for cleaning, enriching, and managing data, often used for cleaning bibliometric metadata.
Steps to Use OpenRefine:
- Download and Install OpenRefine:
- Download OpenRefine from
- Extract the files and run the application (e.g.,
for Windows).
- Import Data:
- Prepare your data file in .csv or .tsv format.
- Open OpenRefine and select "Create Project" to import your file.
- Clean Data:
- Use tools like:
- Facets: Filter and find duplicate or anomalous values.
- Clustering: Merge similar terms (e.g., variations in spelling).
- Transformations: Apply logic for cleaning data (e.g., reformatting dates).
- Use tools like:
- Enrich Data:
- Use external APIs (e.g., CrossRef, Wikidata) to add additional information to your dataset.
- Export Data:
- Export cleaned data in formats such as CSV, Excel, or JSON for further analysis.
Integration of Biblioshiny and OpenRefine
- Initial Processing in OpenRefine:
- Use OpenRefine to clean bibliographic data (e.g., remove duplicates, standardize author names).
- Analysis in Biblioshiny:
- Import the cleaned data into Biblioshiny for advanced analysis and visualization.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia:
Panduan Menggunakan Biblioshiny dan OpenRefine
1. Menggunakan Biblioshiny
- Instalasi: Pastikan Anda telah menginstal R dan RStudio di komputer Anda. Kemudian instal paket
dengan menjalankan perintah berikut di R:install.packages("bibliometrix")
- Menjalankan Biblioshiny: Setelah paket terinstal, jalankan perintah berikut untuk membuka antarmuka Biblioshiny:
- Upload Data: Unggah file data bibliometrik Anda (misalnya, file dari Scopus atau Web of Science dalam format CSV atau BibTeX).
- Analisis Data: Gunakan fitur-fitur yang tersedia untuk:
- Analisis bibliometrik (frekuensi kata kunci, tren publikasi, dll.)
- Visualisasi data (network map, treemap, dll.)
2. Menggunakan OpenRefine
- Instalasi: Unduh OpenRefine dari situs resmi ( dan instal di komputer Anda.
- Membuka Proyek Baru: Jalankan OpenRefine dan buat proyek baru dengan mengunggah dataset (file CSV, Excel, dll.).
- Pembersihan Data: Gunakan fitur-fitur berikut:
- Deteksi dan perbaikan duplikasi data
- Normalisasi format data (misalnya, menyamakan huruf kapital, format tanggal, dll.)
- Penyaringan dan pengelompokan data untuk analisis lebih lanjut
- Ekspor Data: Setelah selesai, ekspor data yang telah dibersihkan ke format yang Anda perlukan (CSV, Excel, dll.).
Catatan Penting
- Pastikan dataset yang digunakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan analisis Anda.
- Pelajari dokumentasi resmi dari masing-masing alat untuk memahami fitur-fitur tambahan yang tersedia.
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