Sabtu, 21 Mei 2022

20220521 (1) - Belajar Grammar, Vocabulary, & Translate (Model ASSURE)

This content was written in order to learn english grammar, vocabulary and translation which including reliable materials and come from valid sources as it is listed.

Konten ini dibuat dalam rangka untuk pembelajaran bahasa inggris (grammar, vocabulary, dan translate) yang berisi materi-materi yang valid dan berasal dari sumber yang valid pula, sebagaimana tercantum.

Source 1:


The ASSURE model is an ISD (Instructional Systems Design) process that was modified to be used by teachers in the regular classroom  The ISD process is one in which teachers and trainers can use to design and develop the most appropriate learning environment for their students.  You can use this process in writing your lesson plans and in improving teaching and learning.

Model ASSURE adalah sebuah proses DSI (Desain Sistem Instruksional) yang telah dimodifikasi untuk digunakan oleh guru di kelas reguler. Proses desain sistem instruksional adalah satu, dimana para guru dan pelatih dapat menggunakannya untuk merancang dan mengembangkan lingkungan belajar yang paling tepat untuk siswa mereka. Anda dapat menggunakan proses ini untuk menulis recana belajar yang akan dilakukan dan untuk meningkatkan pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

The ASSURE model incorporates Robert Gagne’s events of instruction to assure effective use of media in instruction.

A — Analyze learners
S — State standards & objectives
S — Select strategies, technology, media & materials
U — Utilize technology, media & materials
R — Require learner participation
E — Evaluate & revise

Model ASSURE menggabungkan teori Robert Gagne tentang 9 peristiwa dalam pembelajaran untuk memastikan penggunaan media yang efektif dalam pembelajaran.

A -- Menganalisa peserta didik
S -- Menyatakan standar dan tujuan
S -- Memilih strategi, teknologi, media dan bahan
U -- Memanfaatkan teknologi, media dan bahan
R -- Melibatkan partisipasi peserta didik
E -- Mengevaluasi dan merevisi

Sharon Smaldino: About the Model 

Oleh Sharon Smaldino: Tentang Model ASSURE
“To ASSURE good learning, I believe it is not one single thing that a teacher or designer should consider, but I do believe that there are areas of emphasis.

First, ASSURE starts with looking at the learner in detail. Nothing you plan or design is effective unless you have taken the time to look at the learners. In Illinois, for example, it is now state law that ALL teachers must assess their students’ knowledge and skills prior to instruction to ensure that they differentiate instruction. That means that by understanding where the learners are at the start of instruction, a teacher will make every effort to assist all learners to be successful in their learning endeavors. This new direction supports my position about knowing the learner. I feel that knowing as much as possible about your learners is critical to design and implementation of instruction.

Untuk menjamin terlaksananya pembelajaran yang baik, saya yakin itu tidaklah cukup dengan satu hal bahwa guru atau desainer harus mempertimbangkan, akan tetapi saya yakin bahwa ada aspek-aspek yang harus ditekankan.
Pertama, ASSURE memulainya dengan mengamati peserta didik secara rinci. Tak ada satupun pembelajaran yang anda rencanakan atau rancang akan berhasil dengan efektif, terkecuali anda telah meluangkan waktu sebelumnya untuk mengamati peserta didik. Di Illionis misalnya, saat ini telah menjadi undang-undang bahwa seluruh guru harus melakukan penilaian terhadap keterampilan dan pengetahuan siswa terlebih dahulu sebelum melaksanakan pembelajaran untuk memastikan bahwa guru membedakan pembelajaran. Itu berarti bahwa pembelajaran diawali dengan memahami dimana peserta didik berada, seorang guru akan melakukan segala upaya untuk membantu seluruh siswa agar berhasil dalam upaya keras belajar mereka. Haluan baru ini membantu posisi saya untuk mengenal peserta didik. Saya rasa bahwa mengenal sedalam mungkin terhadap peserta didik anda adalah sangat penting dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan suatu pembelajaran.

Second, the second letter in ASSURE, S, refers to knowing the intended outcomes or expectations. No instruction should begin without everyone having a clear understanding of what is supposed to happen in the instruction. This does not preclude the possibility of additional learning taking place, but without a road map, some of your learners may well be “lost.” And, especially in the schools today, as we edge closer to the 100% of all students meeting or exceeding expectations, I believe that students need to know what is expected of them. I do believe that there is more than one “right way” to achieve those expectations and more than one “right medium” to use, because it’s not a one-size fits all world. BUT, as NCLB is still a mandate, we need to find ways to make it possible for our diverse learning population fit into the “mold” that has been outlined for us. Learners need to know what they are to do. And, I add that you cannot assess learning without knowing what was expected. NOW, because I opened that can of worms, let me quickly state that assessment can be formative and summative and can take multiple formats.
But, that is another cup of tea for sure.

Kedua, huruf yang kedua dalam ASSURE, S, merujuk pada memahami hasil atau harapan yang dikehendaki. Tidak ada pembelajaran patut untuk dimulai tanpa setiap personal yang terlibat memiliki pemahaman yang jelas terhadap apa yang dikehendaki untuk didapat dalam pembelajaran. Ini tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadinya permbelajaran tambahan, namun tanpa pedoman pelaksanaan yang jelas, beberapa peserta didik anda mungkin akan hilang. Dan, secara khusus di sekolah-sekolah saat ini, ketika kita akan mencapai angka 100% dari seluruh siswa yang memenuhi atau melebihi ekspektasi, saya yakin bahwa siswa perlu untuk mengetahui apa pencapaian yang diharapkan dari mereka. Saya sangat yakin bahwa ada lebih dari satu cara untuk mencapai ekspektasi ini dan lebih dari satu media yang dapat digunakan, karena hal tersebut bukanlah satu ukuran yang cocok untuk seluruh dunia. Akan tetapi, karena prisnip NCLB masih merupakan suatu mandat, kita perlu menemukan cara untuk membuat hal tersebut menjadi mungkin bagi populasi peserta didik kita yang beragam agar sesuai dengan kerangka yang telah diberikan pada kita. Peserta didik perlu untuk mengetahui apa yang akan mereka lakukan. Dan, saya menambahkan bahwa anda tidak akan dapat melakukan penilaian terhadap suatu pembelajaran tanpa mengetahui apa hasil yang diharapkan dari pembelajaran tersebut. Saat ini, dikarenakan saya telah membuka penutup suatu masalah kompleks, maka izinkan saya dengan segera menyatakan bahwa penilaian itu dapat berupa formatif dan sumatif, dan dapat dalam bentuk format yang beragam. Namun, Itu adalah satu hal lain yang membutuhkan secangkir teh dalam pembahasannya.

My final area of importance in the design and implementation process to ASSURE good learning is the reflection component of evaluation. Once you have completed the design and instruction and gathered the data about the outcomes and impressions from your learners, you need to take the time to consider what went well and what could be changed in that particular instructional event. This information will help you re-design that instructional event for future opportunities. But, this information also guides you on how to better address your learners in instruction beyond this particular instructional event. We often do not put enough emphasis on reflection as teachers and designers, but I do consider that it is not time wasted.

Oh, my goodness, it appears I’ve nearly written the chapter on the ASSURE model. I will close with the idea that it’s not about the technology and media. It’s about the learners and the important decisions we make as designers and
instructors to ensure successful learning opportunities.”

[From Michael M. Grant‘s Comparing Instructional Design Models]


Source 2:

6 Tips To Apply The ASSURE Model In Blended Learning

Summary: The ASSURE model is a natural fit for blended learning environments, as it gives corporate trainers the opportunity to integrate technology into their ILT (Instructor-Led Training) classrooms while still personalize the corporate training experience. In this article, I’ll explore the basic principles of the ASSURE model, and I’ll offer 6 tips that can help you use the ASSURE model in blended learning strategies.

How To Apply The ASSURE Model In Blended Learning: 6 Tips For eLearning Professionals 

While many blended learning approaches may strive to incorporate technology into the ILT environment, at PulseLearning we believe the ASSURE model takes it one step further by catering on the specific needs of the every learner. Rather than offering general tech tools or resources, it focuses on giving each learner the specific technology they require to achieve their personal goals and objectives.

What Is The ASSURE Model?

The ASSURE model gets its name from the following six stages involved in the process:

  • A: Analyze learners.
    Identify your learners’ expectations, goals, preferences, and needs, so that you can create a blended learning strategy that offers them real world benefits.
  • S: State goals and objectives.
    Determine the objectives for your blended learning course, including performance goals. These goals and objectives should clearly state what the learner will be able to do once they complete the class.
  • S: Select methods and media.
    Choose online learning content, multimedia, both online and classroom exercises and materials that will serve your training goals and objectives. This may also pertain to modifying current training content in order to meet the changing needs of your audience.
  • U: Utilize media and technology.
    After choosing the online training content and materials, eLearning professionals must then decide how they are going to utilize these tech tools and online resources most effectively.
  • R: Require learner participation.
    Determine how you can engage learners to encourage them to actively participate in the blended training experience.
  • E: Evaluate and revise the blended learning strategy.
    All eLearning strategies are a work in progress, due to the fact that technology and learner needs are always evolving. Thus, the final step in the ASSURE model is to evaluate and revise your blended learning strategy to ensure that it is as beneficial as possible.

6 Tips To Use The ASSURE Model In Blended Learning

  1. Conduct surveys and online assessments to research audience.
    To focus on the specific needs of your learners, you will first have to know what those needs are. Surveys, focus groups, interviews, and eLearning assessments are all valuable tools that can help you analyze your audience’s traits and experience levels. They can also give you a good indication of their learning styles, such as which exercises will appeal to them and how they absorb information.
  2. Create custom-tailored objectives.
    Aside from the organization-wide objectives and goals that you’ve created, you should also develop goals that are learner-specific. What learning behaviors do they need to display? What knowledge do they need to know by the end of the blended learning course? Is there a particular task they need to master or skills sets they must build? You must also have a way to test their knowledge and determine if they have actually met their goals and objectives.
  3. Choose tech tools that align with common goals.
    One of the most common blended learning strategy mistakes is using technology just for the sake of technology, rather than finding the tools that are ideal for the particular audience and training goals. Ideally, you should choose tools that your learners are already familiar with or have a minor learning curve, rather than those that may be difficult to master. For example, if you are developing a group collaboration online assignment that utilizes a project management platform, you must be sure that your learners can actually use the online platform when it’s time to work with their peers.
  4. Give the tech tools and materials a test-run.
    To verify that all of your tech tools are in working order and that your learners can use them effectively, it’s always a good idea to give your technology a test-run before you offer them to your learners. For example, if you are using tablets in the classroom, you should ensure that all of the devices are working properly, fully charged, and loaded with the right applications. If you are using an online tool, verify that your learners have all the information they need to access the online platform and that there aren’t any issues with logging into the site.
  5. Get learners involved.
    As is the case with all learning strategies, it is important to get your learners onboard and make sure they are all excited about the process. Start your discussions with thought-provoking questions that prompt them to seek out answers online and expand their knowledge. Create an online community forum where they can go to address concerns, get help from their peers, and stay in touch with their online facilitators. Ask for their feedback so that you can figure out what’s working effectively and what may need to be modified as you move forward with your ASSURE blended learning strategy. Get them involved, so that they feel as though they are a vital part of the blended learning experience and that their opinion matters.
  6. Understand that your ASSURE strategy is a work in progress.
    After you’ve created your ASSURE plan, you must keep in mind that it has to adapt with the changing needs of your learners. It must also adapt to the ever-evolving technologies, so that you can offer your future learners the best resources you have at your disposal. If there is a learning activity that is no longer serving the needs or goals of your learners, they you may want to consider modifying or omitting it from your training curriculum altogether. The same goes for your eLearning assessments, online training content, or even the level of tech integration. For instance, you may discover that your learners might benefit from even more tech tool usage.

The ASSURE model can help you not only blend technology with traditional classroom training, but give your learners the customized experience they need to broaden their horizons. Use this article to integrate technology tools and resources into your blended learning strategy while still catering to the specific needs of your corporate audience.

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